Our Mission
At Humanitarian Software LLC, our mission is to
- Provide innovative, quality, tailored software solutions and responsive customer service.
- Develop and maintain long term relationships with clients based on honesty, integrity, and quality service and solutions.
- Provide knowledge, guidance, and leadership to help organizations make appropriate information technology plans that support long term growth and reliability.
- Provide services to deserving organizations at reduced rates, or in grant, through a low overhead, non-profit business model.
- Seek corporate sponsorship to strengthen our ability to develop and provide solutions to deserving organizations.
Established in 2010 by Steven Bardos, Humanitarian Software LLC is a sister entity to BarControl Systems & Services, Inc. which was originally founded by Steven Bardos in 1987. Humanitarian Software LLC was created with the primary goal of serving the specific and unique needs of humanitarian aid and disaster relief organizations –
“To help those who help those in need”.

Let’s Talk!
Schedule a demo to get a look at everything that Humanitarian Software can do for you.